Internal Administration Tasks.

A brief introduction to our Tasks system.

Initially, I'd like to point out a few things. Firstly, this is a trial. I'm not sure if this will be sufficient to manage all of our Tasks, so please bare with me and open critic is always welcome So, below are listed all open task that have been posted. Not anyone can post a task, only members of a specific group. Please request where needed. Once a task is created it is that persons responsibility to manage it. Once a member that group you will be able to access the editorial part of tasks allowing you to create new task and edit your previous tasks. Most fields presented are manditory and marked accoringly, but gereally as much input as possible please. Good luck to us all!

Task Name Task for Due Date Status
Task Summary
Compile a collection of stories Liubov 17/08/2024 PENDING
The DevTeam require Stories that we can present in a Blog on the Site. Please ensure the stories are checked and you receive the approval to publish them from the teller. Please submit the qualified stories per email to David or myself. We will publish them as soon as possible. I suggest a minimum of 10 to get started but there is really no limit to the amount.<br>Thanks in advance for all your work.

Costas to Produce Vision and Mission Statements (CONTENT) Costas Johnstone 15/10/2024 IN PROCESS
As agreed, 3 weeks ago, we require the Mission and Vision statements for the ABOUT page.

Finish Tasks Section Sean 17/10/2024 IN PROCESS
Finish the Tasks section so that people can use it practically. People will see all tasks on the Dev section, but once live they should be able to login then only see their own tasks.


Temporary Footer Section